Adult Orthodontics | Jennifer L. Martin, DDS | Pleasant Hill CA
April 17th, 2023
Orthodontics is not only for children and teens. Your teeth continue to shift into adulthood resulting in crooked teeth, a misaligned bite, or other painful side effects. Whether you’re unhappy with your teeth for cosmetic or health reasons, it’s not too late to improve your smile.
It’s true, you can have a healthy, beautiful smile at any age. Orthodontic treatment is a viable option for almost any adult. Like youngsters, adults can experience the self-assurance that comes with a confident smile, along with the benefits of improved oral health.
Advances in adult orthodontics have made treatment more comfortable and less noticeable than ever. Many of today’s treatment options are designed to minimize the appearance of the appliance to better fit your lifestyle.
How is Adult Orthodontics Different from Child Orthodontics?
The biggest difference in orthodontics for adults is that adults are no longer growing. Adult treatment may take slightly longer than treatment for children/teens with a similar problem due to the maturity and density of the bone adults have. Some medications and habits, like smoking, clenching or grinding teeth, or tongue thrusting, can affect the outcome of treatment. It’s common for orthodontists to work with a patient’s family dentist to coordinate care. In order to reach optimal dental health, the dentist and adult orthodontist may need to call in other dental specialists, such as oral surgeons, periodontists, and endodontists.
Common Dental Problems in Adults
Overcrowding - Overcrowding is when the size and number of teeth are larger than the underlying supporting bone resulting in overlapping.
Overbite - An overbite is when the upper front teeth excessively overlap the bottom front teeth when the back teeth are closed. This is also called a closed bite or deep bite.
Underbite - An underbite is when the lower front teeth or jaw sit ahead of the upper front teeth or jaw. This is also known as a Class III malocclusion.
Protruding Teeth – If you have protruding teeth, it means your teeth stick out further than is aesthetically pleasing. This can occur in both arches or just the top.
Open Bite - An open bite is a malocclusion in which teeth do not make contact with each other. With an anterior open bite, the front teeth do not touch when the back teeth are closed together.
Jaw Pain - There are several causes of jaw pain, and a bad bite is one of them. Other common causes include habits (clenching or grinding), stress, trauma, and neuralgia (non-specific pain unrelated to structures or functions in the area).
Tooth Wearing or Decay - Although all teeth wear, malaligned teeth wear unevenly and more quickly than those that are straight.
Gum Disease - Gum disease is a chronic infection of the gums that stems from a build-up of plaque. There are three stages of gum disease: gingivitis, periodontitis, and advanced periodontitis.
Read more… Adult Orthodontics
Creating Generations of Smiles Through A Legacy of Personal Care and Heartfelt Service!
Dr. Jennifer L. Martin and our team love transforming lives, one smile at a time. We work one-to-one with each patient to determine their clinical needs and care goals, and then develop individual treatment paths to create their healthy new smile. We appreciate parents who understand the importance of getting their children a proper start towards a lifetime or oral & orthodontic health.
We offer complimentary consultations for you and your family at our Pleasant Hill, CA orthodontic office, serving Martinez, Concord, Walnut Creek and Lafayette. Please call to learn more and schedule your consultation, today.
Dr. Martin and everyone at Jennifer L. Martin, DDS, look forward to welcoming you to our practice. We would love to develop a long-term relationship with you, while making the beautiful smile of your dreams a reality!
Jennifer L. Martin, D.D.S.
401 Gregory Lane, Suite 126
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Phone: (925) 676-8485
Can I Still Wear a Retainer or Aligners that Feel Tight?
March 17th, 2023

Yes, as long as your retainer doesn’t hurt and still fits over your teeth, you can wear it – even if it feels tight. Your teeth may have slightly shifted, and you may need to wear your retainer longer each day to prevent your teeth from moving.
Try wearing your retainer full-time for a few days to encourage your teeth to move back into their correct positions. If the retainer continues to feel uncomfortable, contact your orthodontist to determine the next steps.
What if the retainer doesn’t fit at all or is painful?
No. Contact your orthodontist, who will evaluate your situation and determine what actions, if any, are needed. It could be as simple as making a new retainer or, if necessary, making some clear aligners to tweak a tooth or teeth back into proper position. Watch 'How to Put on Retainers the Orthodontist Way' below...
Trust an AAO Orthodontist like Jennifer L. Martin, DDS
You can work with an American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) Orthodontist to achieve a healthy, beautiful smile at any age. Orthodontists are experts in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics – properly aligned teeth and jaws – and possess the skills and experience to give you your best smile.
Creating Generations of Smiles Through A Legacy of Personal Care and Heartfelt Service!
Dr. Jennifer L. Martin and our team love transforming lives, one smile at a time. We work one-to-one with each patient to determine their clinical needs and care goals, and then develop individual treatment paths to create their healthy new smile. We appreciate parents who understand the importance of getting their children a proper start towards a lifetime or oral & orthodontic health.
We offer complimentary consultations for you and your family at our Pleasant Hill, CA orthodontic office, serving Martinez, Concord, Walnut Creek and Lafayette. Please call to learn more and schedule your consultation, today.
Dr. Martin and everyone at Jennifer L. Martin, DDS, look forward to welcoming you to our practice. We would love to develop a long-term relationship with you, while making the beautiful smile of your dreams a reality!
Jennifer L. Martin, D.D.S.
401 Gregory Lane, Suite 126
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Phone: (925) 676-8485
Schedule Your Child's Visit to Your Orthodontist by Age 7
March 8th, 2023
How Does Orthodontic Treatment Help Children?
Orthodontic treatment will help your child bite and chew and contribute to clear speech. When their teeth function properly the achieve a strong, balanced appearance. An attractive smile is a result of orthodontic treatment, and can do wonders for confidence. Self-confidence and self-esteem may improve as orthodontic treatment brings teeth, lips and face into proportion. Straight teeth are less prone to decay, gum disease and injury.
Most orthodontic problems are inherited. Some are “acquired,” developing over time by sucking the thumb or fingers, mouth breathing, dental disease, abnormal swallowing, poor dental hygiene, or early or late loss of baby teeth, accidents and poor nutrition. Sometimes an inherited orthodontic problem is complicated by an acquired problem. Whatever the cause, orthodontists are usually able to treat most conditions successfully.
All Kids Should Get A Checkup with an Orthodontist No Later than Age Seven
To have a healthy smile that's good for life®, your child needs teeth and jaws that are properly aligned. The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends that your child get a checkup with an orthodontist at the first recognition of the existence of an orthodontic problem, but no later than age seven. By then, your child has enough permanent teeth for an orthodontist to determine whether an orthodontic problem exists or is developing. Putting off a checkup with an orthodontist until a child has lost all baby teeth could be a disservice. Some orthodontic problems may be easier to correct if they're found early. A checkup no later than age seven gives your orthodontist the opportunity to recommend the appropriate treatment at the appropriate time. If early treatment is in order, the orthodontist may be able to achieve results that may not be possible once the face and jaws have finished growing.
If you have any questions or concerns throughout your treatment or in the future, please consult your orthodontist or visit
Did Your Children Miss Appointments?
If your child missed appointments during the past couple of months, we are here for you & want to get your caught up. We are contacting patients about re-scheduling. You can also take the proactive step to contact us to schedule at your convenience. We make every effort to move your appointment in a timely manner, but you should expect a slightly longer appointment than before due to safety protocols.
We are incredibly happy to be open to serve the oral care & orthodontic needs of our patients from the greater East Bay Area. Our updated safety protocols, disinfecting procedures & personal protective equipment ensure visits to our office are safe. We are following the Guidance, & COVID-19 Updates. When you & your children return to our office you will see our enhanced safety features & personal protective equipment is action.
Creating Generations of Smiles Through A Legacy of Personal Care and Heartfelt Service!
Dr. Jennifer L. Martin and our team love transforming lives, one smile at a time. We work one-to-one with each patient to determine their clinical needs and care goals, and then develop individual treatment paths to create their healthy new smile. We appreciate parents who understand the importance of getting their children a proper start towards a lifetime or oral & orthodontic health.
We offer complimentary consultations for you and your family at our Pleasant Hill, CA orthodontic office, serving Martinez, Concord, Walnut Creek and Lafayette. Please call to learn more and schedule your consultation, today.
Dr. Martin and everyone at Jennifer L. Martin, DDS, look forward to welcoming you to our practice. We would love to develop a long-term relationship with you, while making the beautiful smile of your dreams a reality!
Jennifer L. Martin, D.D.S.
401 Gregory Lane, Suite 126
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Phone: (925) 676-8485
Getting Started with Invisalign Treatment
February 24th, 2023
Tips for Starting Invisalign® Treatment | Invisalign New to the Invisalign® family? The video highlights the key things you need to know as you get started with your Invisalign treatment. Read tips below for additional pointers. |
Tips for Starting Invisalign Treatment(opens in a new tab)

1. Only Take Your Aligners Out for Eating, Drinking, and Cleaning
Aligners are removable but that doesn’t mean you should remove them whenever you want. To stay on track with your treatment, you need to wear your aligners at least 20 to 22 hours per day. That leaves two to four hours free for eating all your meals, brushing and flossing your teeth, and drinking things outside of water. This might sound like a lot of time, but once you start a timer every time you sit down to eat, drink or brush your teeth, you will soon realize how quickly you use that small window up.
If you fail to wear your aligners for the recommended 20 to 22 hours per day, your treatment might take longer than your original plan. The longer you keep your aligners out, the longer it will take for your teeth to move.
2. Store Your Aligners Clean and Safe
We’re sure you’ve heard horror stories about teens who lost their retainers because their dogs ate them. Well, the same is true with Invisalign aligners. Dogs will eat them if you leave them out, or you might lose them. Every time you need to remove your aligners, whether to eat, drink, or brush your teeth, it’s important that you store your aligners in the provided case. This will prevent you from losing them or from a dog finding their new favorite chew toy.
If you do happen to lose or damage an aligner, this will put a pause on your treatment while you wait for a replacement aligner to arrive. Therefore, it can cause your treatment to take even longer than planned.
3. Aligners Need Daily Cleaning
You’ll need to keep your aligners clean. Otherwise, plaque and bacteria will build up and cause them to look stained and give you bad breath. To prevent this from occurring, you need to clean your aligners daily by soaking them in cleaning crystals and gently brushing them with a soft-bristled toothbrush. You can do this every night before going to bed and every morning when you brush and floss your teeth. This will help you prevent cavities and maintain fresh breath throughout your treatment.
Without regularly cleaning your aligners, it’s very likely you will experience bad breath, plaque buildup, and even potentially gum disease and cavities. If you can’t commit to regularly cleaning your aligners, we don’t recommend Invisalign treatment for you.
4. Maintain Your Oral Hygiene by Brushing and Flossing Regularly
With Invisalign, you have no excuse not to brush and floss your teeth since your aligners are removable. Thankfully, brushing and flossing with Invisalign is as easy as brushing and flossing without Invisalign. Keep up your regular brushing and flossing routine during your treatment to keep your aligners fresh and to prevent oral health problems. If you can’t brush after a meal or drink, rinsing your mouth with water or quickly chewing on a piece of sugar-free gum can help.
5. Maintain Your Dental Appointments
With removable aligners, all you have to do to visit the dentist is simply take them out for your cleaning. You don’t have to deal with the hassle of having your wire removed. Continue your same oral hygiene routine including dental cleanings to ensure your oral health doesn’t decline and to address oral health problems in their tracks.
6. Change Your Aligners in the Correct Order When you receive your Invisalign aligners, we will tell you how often to wear each set. Typically, patients wear each set for about two weeks before moving onto the next set. It’s important that you follow our recommended schedule and move onto the correct set. If you try to pop in an aligner that’s for two months from now, it’s not going to fit in your mouth. Sticking with our schedule and in the correct order will ensure your treatment moves along in the correct time frame
Tips for Starting Invisalign Treatment
Can We Schedule Your Appointment Today?
Dr. Martin and everyone at Jennifer L. Martin, DDS, look forward to welcoming you to our practice. We would love to develop a long-term relationship with you, while making the beautiful smile of your dreams a reality!
We offer complimentary consultations at our Pleasant Hill, CA orthodontic office, serving Martinez, Concord, Walnut Creek and Lafayette. Please call to learn more and schedule your consultation, today.
Jennifer L. Martin, D.D.S.
401 Gregory Lane, Suite 126
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Phone: (925) 676-8485
#MartinFamilySmiles #Invisalign #Braces #Orthodontist #EastBay #PleasantHill #Best #Dentist #2023 #Braces #ClearAligners #AAO #Questions #Foods #Niners #Giants